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| @Data @Builder @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class Orders implements Serializable {
public static final Integer PENDING_PAYMENT = 1; public static final Integer TO_BE_CONFIRMED = 2; public static final Integer CONFIRMED = 3; public static final Integer DELIVERY_IN_PROGRESS = 4; public static final Integer COMPLETED = 5; public static final Integer CANCELLED = 6;
public static final Integer UN_PAID = 0; public static final Integer PAID = 1; public static final Integer REFUND = 2;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long id;
private String number;
private Integer status;
private Long userId;
private Long addressBookId;
private LocalDateTime orderTime;
private LocalDateTime checkoutTime;
private Integer payMethod;
private Integer payStatus;
private BigDecimal amount;
private String remark;
private String userName;
private String phone;
private String address;
private String consignee;
private String cancelReason;
private String rejectionReason;
private LocalDateTime cancelTime;
private LocalDateTime estimatedDeliveryTime;
private Integer deliveryStatus;
private LocalDateTime deliveryTime;
private int packAmount;
private int tablewareNumber;
private Integer tablewareStatus; }
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| public void userCancelById(Long id) throws Exception { Orders ordersDB = orderMapper.getById(id);
if (ordersDB == null) { throw new OrderBusinessException(MessageConstant.ORDER_NOT_FOUND); }
if (ordersDB.getStatus() > 2) { throw new OrderBusinessException(MessageConstant.ORDER_STATUS_ERROR); }
Orders orders = new Orders(); orders.setId(ordersDB.getId());
if (ordersDB.getStatus().equals(Orders.TO_BE_CONFIRMED)) { weChatPayUtil.refund( ordersDB.getNumber(), ordersDB.getNumber(), new BigDecimal(0.01), new BigDecimal(0.01));
orders.setPayStatus(Orders.REFUND); }
orders.setStatus(Orders.CANCELLED); orders.setCancelReason("用户取消"); orders.setCancelTime(LocalDateTime.now()); orderMapper.update(orders); }
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| <update id="update" parameterType="com.sky.entity.Orders"> update orders <set> <if test="cancelReason != null and cancelReason!='' "> cancel_reason=#{cancelReason}, </if> <if test="rejectionReason != null and rejectionReason!='' "> rejection_reason=#{rejectionReason}, </if> <if test="cancelTime != null"> cancel_time=#{cancelTime}, </if> <if test="payStatus != null"> pay_status=#{payStatus}, </if> <if test="payMethod != null"> pay_method=#{payMethod}, </if> <if test="checkoutTime != null"> checkout_time=#{checkoutTime}, </if> <if test="status != null"> status = #{status}, </if> <if test="deliveryTime != null"> delivery_time = #{deliveryTime} </if> </set> where id = #{id} </update>
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| OrderDB: id: 1 number:3 status:1->2 #修改状态为2 userId: LN addressBookId: 3 orderTime:2024-11-15 13:05:06 checkTime:2024-11-15 13:05:06
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| OrderDB: id: 1 number:3 status: 1 userId: LN ->LTC #修改userId addressBookId:3 orderTime:2024-11-15 13:05:07 checkTime:2024-11-15 13:05:07
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| OrderDB: id: 1 number: 3 status: 1 userId: LTC addressBookId:3 orderTime:2024-11-15 13:05:08 checkTime:2024-11-15 13:05:08
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| OrderDB: id: 1 number:3 status:2 userId: LN #重新以1的userld覆盖了刚才的更改 addressBookId:3 orderTime:2024-11-15 13:05:06 checkTime:2024-11-15 13:05:06
增加的 Binlog 日志数量及性能影响
当选择直接修改现有的 ordersDB 数据库中的表结构或数据记录时
每次修改(无论是添加、删除还是更新数据)都会被记录在 MySQL 的二进制日志(binlog)中
这些日志对于数据恢复、复制和审计至关重要,然而,如果频繁地对大型表进行结构修改或大量数据更新,会导致 binlog 日志量显著增加